Corporate Publications

The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) provides the following corporate publications for your review. Click to view a PDF version of each or right-click to download the PDF to your desktop.

Corporate Plan Summaries, Annual Reports and Quarterly Financial Reports

As a federal Crown corporation, CATSA has certain planning and reporting obligations, as set out by the Financial Administration Act, including a requirement to make some plans and reports available to the public.

Corporate Plan Summaries

Each year, CATSA prepares a corporate plan that sets out the organization’s corporate objectives, financial plan, performance indicators and targets over a five-year planning horizon. A subsequent abridged corporate plan summary is then prepared, tabled in Parliament and shared publicly.

Previous summaries are available on the Government of Canada Publications website.

Annual Reports

Each year, CATSA prepares an annual report which presents the organization’s results against its corporate objectives, financial plan, performance indicators and targets set forth in its corporate plan and corporate plan summary. Once tabled in Parliament, the report is made available to the public.

Previous annual reports are available on the Government of Canada Publications website.

Quarterly Financial Reports

Each quarter, CATSA prepares and publishes publicly a quarterly financial report which presents the organization’s financial results against its financial plan set forth in the corporate plan.

Access to Information and Privacy Acts

Annual Reports on the Administration of the Access to Information Act

Annual Reports on the Administration of the Privacy Act

Previous reports are available on the Government of Canada Publications website.

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Summaries

Reports on Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in the Supply Chains

Other Reports and Publications