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Displaying 111 - 120 of 158 items.
Corporate Plan 2023-24 to 2027-28 Summary Summary of the 2023/24 to 2027/28 Corporate Plan 2023/24 to 2027/28 Operating Budget 2023/24 to 2027/28 Capital Budget PDF version: Corporate Plan 2023-24 to 2027-28 Summary.pdf 999.28 KB … Corporate Plan 2023-24…
Executive Summary As the federal authority responsible for screening at 89 designated airports across Canada, the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) remains focused on its mandate of civil aviation security screening. Supported by a …
Overview Mandate CATSA is an agent Crown corporation, funded by parliamentary appropriations and accountable to Parliament through the Minister of Transport. CATSA’s mandate is to prevent prohibited items from entering the civil air transportation system…
Operating Environment Introduction CATSA relies on highly skilled and diverse personnel at its headquarters, regional offices and at security checkpoints to implement programs, processes and procedures that help ensure the safety and security of …
Environmental Scan CATSA’s environmental scan details key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges that the organization is facing now and will face over the planning period. CATSA will continue to monitor the rapidly changing civil aviation …
Strategic Objectives, Activities, and Priority Initiatives CATSA’s strategic objectives cover three complementary themes: Service excellence and continued innovation – prioritizing security effectiveness, operational efficiency, an optimal passenger …
Key Corporate Risks CATSA’s Enterprise Risk Management program embeds risk management into strategic decision-making and resource allocation, thereby allowing the organization to make more informed decisions as it relates to executing its corporate plan…
Financial Overview Funding As an appropriated Crown corporation, CATSA delivers its civil aviation security screening mandate in accordance with the resources it is assigned by the Government of Canada. Since 2015, CATSA’s A-Base funding, has been …
APPENDIX A: Ministerial Expectation Letter March 24, 2023 Thao Pham Chairperson of the Board of Directors Canadian Air Transport Security Authority Dear Thao Pham: Please allow me to begin by congratulating you on your appointment as Chair of the …
APPENDIX B: Corporate Governance Structure Accountability Relationships CATSA is an agent Crown corporation with a Board of Directors appointed by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport. Board of Directors CATSA is …